SharePoint 2013 Error: The filtering process has been terminated

I had just completed a PowerShell scripted deployment of a SharePoint farm and was just performing the final checks when I noticed the following error in the crawl logs.

The filtering process has been terminated

This turned out that because in the PowerShell script I had specified that the SharePoint installation location should be different to the default location.  The SharePoint installation routine had not associated the correct permissions for the WSS_WPG group.

In my instance I had specified that SharePoint should be installed onto a non system disk and I had also specified different directories for indexes and logs.

To fix this I added the WSS_WPG with full control to the following directories.

%:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data\Office Server\Applications

Once the correct permissions had been applied I ran a full crawl and no longer received this error.

Error: Attempted to make calls on more than one thread in single threaded mode using multiple Content by Search web parts

In SharePoint 2013 when adding more than one Content by Search web part to a page you may receive the following error
“Attempted to make calls on more than one thread in single threaded mode. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010102 (RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD)) Correlation ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
This is caused by a bug in the original release, this has been fixed in the April Update, which can be downloaded from here;EN-US;2726992
Please be aware that this is not really a CU as it requires to be installed first.